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Monday, December 21, 2009

Annual camp over.fucking tired i guess.yup,woke up at 5,ate DAPAU :(  and took my dad's car.two bags also so heavy.yup,went to school,see some people at basketball court,lay-out-ing ,so i did the same,as you guessed,i do very slow.yup,then lay out at 0630,puked out my DAPAU(seriously) and kinda sitted at a bench before continuing the lay-out thingy,then went to put bags at tent and touch up campsite,before we got ready for the first event,first event was something like hiking,can't really remember so longlong name,first we planned the route,from bishan MRT(junction8) hike back to Hihs(yup,it was that long)along the way,must ser some checkpoints,we took like three hours.and then i can't really remember any fucking thing already,ya so you know.Yup,second day,woke up at 5 plus,must lay-out(you wouldn't wanna know what lay-out is),layout halfway,must move to concourse go layout.lay out finished,then i also can't really remember any thing much. :) Five days of Annual camp,cannot say it is a waste,it was a tiring crappy days,but at least,there was kinda fun.like the morning/night(430a.m) walk,ventures acted like L4D zombies.funny to the maximum.yup.wonderful camp.Weiyang best PL(Of Course),Alvin best camper(Of Course),AngWeaneKeat best APL(O.O?) haha.and the last day,dismantle camp site,clean up the whole area.yup,then went to long john silvers to eat Grilled Cajun Chicken!mans,keith owns me a lot.yup,after that took bus with arvin,arvin dropped at his stop,then i slept at the bus,who knows,i ended up a compass point. :(  the bus driver woke me up,i jumped up and smiled at the driver and quickly ran to take LRT,i saw Gabriel and Yuhan,they stare me.haha,said Hi and Bye and then zao to LRT,reached home,took a bath,slept a 4P.M and woke up at 11.A.M the next day,pretty long eh?yup.A exhilarating five days for all those scout homeys.i go camp at my crib already.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Screw you people.holidays so sian~~~~except for scouts la.other than that,comping,wolfteam,SuddenAttack,dota(seldom),Rakion all those craps.so sian leh.come SA with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Melia self pwns! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                   EAT DIRT!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Haha,decided to post.closed my blog for awhile,cos very sian.Annual camp coming,knn! =.= confirm killer.Haiz.nothing to post.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hiya people.i just changed my url,so need to relink eh,i won't waste my time go your tagbox as you relink me hor.Suckishy.Whos the loser!RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.CHICKENWING,OHBASAN IS A LOSER.woohoooooooooooooooooooooo.Joey is a noob.so is melia.and alvin and keith!!! IM CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYY.Damn you people.WAHAHAHAH. :P



The Blogger

EUGENE TEO.22/03/96 was the moment i was born.
Now in HolyInnocents'HighSchool.Hornets!



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